To better understand what will look best for your home's landscaping, it is essential to know the two most popular types of landscaping: hardscaping and softscaping. Like Well Done Landscaping, professional landscaping companies offer expert insight into what designs will look best with your home. Well Done Landscaping has provided insight into the two most popular types of landscaping to help you find what is best for you. Partner with the best landscapers in Massachusetts, and book a free consultation with Well Done Landscaping!
Hardscape vs. Softscape. What’s Best for You?
Hardscape vs. Softscape. What’s Best for You?

What is Hardscape?
Hardscaping is the permanent and inanimate element in landscaping. Concrete, bricks, or gravel are great examples of hardscaping elements. When you think of hardscaping, think of movable but solid objects. Decks, water features, and outdoor appliances are also examples of hardscaping.

When to Use Hardscaping
Hardscaping should always have a purpose. You can use hardscaping elements to create solid ground and clean walkways to navigate your land. Hardscaping elements have a sense and can contribute to your overall landscaping design. To prevent oversoaking your soil, you can add hardscaping elements like pavement. It is best to partner with an expert landscape architect to maximize your land when planning your landscape.

What is Softscape?
Softscaping is a living element of your property. These softer elements continually add different aspects to your property as they bloom and grow over the years. Flowers, trees, and grass are great examples of softscaping aspects of your landscape. These elements bring a softness to the overall appearance of your landscape.

When to Use Softscaping
Softscaping is the majority of one's landscaping. It is the beautiful filler to create a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing look for your property. If you are looking to blend your landscape into one cohesive design, consider partnering with an experienced landscape designer to ensure your land looks the best it can.
Contact Well Done Landscaping
The best starting point to designing your landscape is to know what you want to showcase on your property. Using a professional landscaper can ensure that your property lives to its fullest potential. Book a free consultation with Well Done Landscaping to design the landscape of your dreams!